Joan Straumanis
Bay Area Feminism & Philosophy Workshop, University of San Francisco, session chair, 2019. |
“Decisive & Democratic Leadership – Yes, Both,” Village Movement California conference: “The Age of Leadership”, Newport Beach, CA, 2019. |
“Village Newbies = Ready Made Leaders,” National Village-to-Village conference”, San Diego, 2018. |
“Postsecondary Play: the Role of Games and Social Media in Higher Education” (book review), Planning for Higher Education, v. 43, n. 2, Jan. – Mar. 2015. |
“What We're Learning About Learning (and what we need to forget),” Planning for Higher Education, v. 40, n. 4, July – Sept. 2012. |
Denison University convocation series on Science, Sex and Society, keynote speaker, 2012. |
“The Science of Learning: Breaking News,” Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, v. 5, n. 2, March 2011, pp. 251 – 255. |
California Arts Council “Create the State” conference, Los Angeles, keynote speaker, 2011. |
“The Science of Learning: News You Can Use,” Delaware Community College, 2011. |
“The Science of Learning: What It Says About the Arts,” Virginia Commonwealth University, 2011. |
National Endowment for the Arts conference of the Education Leaders Institute, Chicago, keynote speaker, 2010. |
“How to Fund Your Best Ideas: A 12-Step Program” for project managers and grant proposal writers; numerous
venues, including teleconferences, workshop leader, 1992 – 2008. |
Manual for Center Evaluators, National Science Foundation, Science of Learning Centers program, 2007. |
Changing Medical Education Forever (with Sandra
P. Levison), Change magazine, v. 34, n. 5, Sept./Oct. 2002, pp. 18 26. |
Your Best Ideas: A 12-Step Program, in Susan Peterson
(ed.), The Grantwriters Internet Companion (Thousand
Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2001).
A Deans-Eye View: The Golden Age of Universities
on the Make, (book review), Change magazine,
v. 24, n. 6, Nov./Dec. 1992, pp. 62 65.
Support Issues (summary of presentation) in
Zaven Karian (ed.), The Use of Symbolic Computation in
Undergraduate Mathematics, proceedings of the Denison Conference,
June 25 28, 1992 (Mathematical Association of America,
Citation: R. Edgerton, P. Hutchings, K. Quinlan (eds.), The Teaching Portfolio: Capturing the Scholarship in
Teaching (AAHE, 1991), Entry I.
Citation: Sheila Tobias, Theyre Not Dumb,
Theyre Different: Stalking the Second Tier (Research
Corporation, 1990), p. 88.
Struggles with the Maxwell Demon, a philosophical
essay on entropy and information, Rollins College, Oct. 1988.
Explosive Freedom: Impressions of Glasnost,
Rollins Alumni Record, v. 66, n. 1, Spring 1988.
A Crisis in Science
(excerpts from my Congressional testimony), The Chronicle
of Higher Education, v. 33, n. 29, April 1, 1987, p. 43.
Citation: Douglas R. Hofstadter, Metamagical
Themas (Basic Books, 1985), p. 156.
Duties to Oneself: An Ethical Basis for Self-Liberation?, Journal of Social Philosophy, v. 15, n. 2, Spring 1984. |
Citation: Jason Kawall, Self-Regarding Supererogatory Actions,” Journal of Social Philosophy, Sept. 2003. |
Sex Selection: The Public Impact of Private Choices,
invited paper, Rosenstiel International Conference on Developmental
Biology, Gambier, OH, 1983.
A Laboratory Manual for the Philosophy of Biology,
Philosophy of Biology in the Philosophy Curriculum (Council for Philosophical Studies, San Francisco State University,
1983) ch. 7, pp. 72 87.
Of Sissies and Spinsters: Shifts in Value of Sex-Marked
Terms, American Philosophical Association, Chicago, 1983.
The Case Against Human Sociobiology, American
Philosophical Association, Chicago, 1983.
The Sex/Value Shift: Sex Bias and Linguistic Change,
invited paper, Forum for Interdisciplinary Research Conference:
Language Problems and Public Policy, Cancun,
Mexico, 1981.
Changing Sex Roles of Men and Women, two articles
in the Steubenville Catholic Register and an
educational program on WTOV-TV, Steubenville, OH, sponsored by the
Ohio Program in the Humanities, June 1981.
The Call for Feminist Theory: Is There An Answer?
in Beth Reed (ed.), Toward a Feminist Transformation of the Academy:
II (Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Colleges Association, 1981). |
Citation: D.C. Dennett, Brainstorms (MIT
Press: Bradford Books, 1980), p. 44.
Computing in Symbolic Logic, presentation and
demonstration, Conference: Logic and Liberal Learning,
Carnegie-Mellon University, 1979.
A Guide to Undergraduate Science Course and Laboratory Improvements (with R.F. Watson), resource catalog (Washington: National Science
Foundation, 1979).
Generic Man and Mortal Woman,
an essay in the philosophy of language in Beth Reed (ed.), The
Structure of Knowledge A Feminist Perspective (Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Colleges Association, 1979).
Logic and Simulation, in Esther Thorson (ed.), Simulation
in Higher Education (New York: Exposition Press, 1979).
Also ERIC System document #IR 004 951, cited in Resources
in Education, November, 1977.
DEMON, a logic proof-teacher and validity-checker, and FRAME, a set of tutorials for translation from natural to
symbolic logic languages; instructional computer programs for symbolic
logic; used in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Hong Kong (Distributor:
Denison University Computer Center), 1974.
Reference and Reification, lecture, Council
for Philosophical Studies Institute on Human Nature, Colorado Springs,
CO, 1977.
Philosophical Presuppositions of Assertiveness Training,
broadcast on WYEP-FM Radio, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 20, 1975.
JOB CRUNCH: The Affirmative Action Game, an
educational simulation (with Judith Laird), ERIC System document
#ED 169 819, cited in Resources in Education,
1979. Reviewed by C. S. Greenblat and J. G. Baily in Signs:
Journal of Women in Culture and Society, v. 3, no. 3, Spring
Obligations to Persons and Other Living Things: A Philosopher
Looks at Abortion, invited lecture, University of Notre
Dame Conference on Abortion, 1973. |