Joan Straumanis
Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH; Regional Development Director (West Coast), 2018 – present; College President, 2002 – 2004; hired all new senior staff, launched capital campaign, renegotiated longstanding union contract, initiated Eco League multi-college environmental consortium, helped initiate curricular reform and budget stabilization plans. | |||
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, Science of Learning Centers Program; Program Director, 2008 – 2010; managed a program supporting interdisciplinary multi-university centers for basic research in the learning sciences, including neuroscience, psychology, computer science, engineering and education. | |||
Metropolitan College of New York, New York, NY; President, 2007 – 2008 (emergency interim appointment through the Registry for Retired College and University Presidents); revitalized the college, increased enrollment, balanced the budget, recruited a permanent president. Metropolitan College serves working adults by integrating learning and employment through a curriculum that emphasizes liberal learning, social justice and personal responsibility for change. | |||
Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC; Program Officer, 1992 – 1995, 1998 – 2002. |
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA; Herbert and Ann Siegel Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, 1995 – 1997; Professor of Philosophy, 1995 – 1998. |
Rollins College, Winter Park, FL; Dean of the Faculty, Professor of Philosophy, 1986 – 1992. |
Kenyon College, Gambier, OH; Academic Dean, 1983 – 1986; Associate Provost, 1982 – 1983; Professor of Philosophy, 1982 – 1986. |
Department of Philosophy, Denison University, Granville, OH; Professor, 1982; Associate Professor, 1976 – 1982; Assistant Professor, 1971 – 1976. |
Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, England; Visiting Research Professor (sabbatical leave), 1980. |
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC; Program Officer (one-year leave as rotator), 1977 – 1978 Local Course Improvement, Instructional Scientific Equipment, Public Understanding of Science Programs. |
Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland–College Park; Teaching Assistant, 1969 – 1971. |
Departments of Mathematics; Teaching positions at: University of Colorado, Ohio University – Martin’s Ferry, Bethany College (WV), Wilberforce University (OH), Yellow Springs High School (OH) and American University (Washington, DC). | |||